Nyssa Baschel Writing Coach

When fiction reads well a great deal of work has been done to achieve this. Creative writing involves the development of stories, characters and worlds through multiple drafts and edits. I learnt early in my writing career that I had gaps in my writing skill and want to grow as an emerging writer. So I set off to expand my writing ability which included reading books and blogs about how to write, sending my work to an editor and receiving feedback, and studied writing through writing courses and university. Only by learning sound writing techniques could I successfully bring the stories in my imagination to life on the page. This is an important concept to get right from the beginning of our writing journey; we don’t just get inspired, write the first draft and get it published—not if we want to write quality work. Even if we are self-publishing, it is essential to get our writing to a publishable standard if we want to be competitive in the writing market. Remember, traditional publishers watch the self-publishing market for potential best sellers.

What to expect from coaching

The Nyssa Baschel Writing Coach service offers online mentoring aimed to help emerging writers advance their writing skill. This service is not structural or copy edit for manuscripts or proof reading but rather coaching in the techniques of writing itself. All of these processes are important later in the course of wring a short story, novella or novel; however Nyssa can walk with you through the early days of developing character and plot and writing early drafts. Whether you are writing fantasy, science fiction, crime, romance or a memeoir, these skills are the corner stone of effective story telling.

The Nyssa Baschel Writing Coach service focusses on developing the following writing skills:

  • Plot structure
  • Character development
  • World building
  • POV (Point of view)
  • Scene development
  • Show not tell
  • Effective dialogue
  • Active setting and description
  • Active writing skills
  • MRU (Motivation reaction units)

As a writer we may hit writer’s blocks, experience emotional ups and downs and struggle to focus. The Nyssa Baschel Writing Coach service understands there is a personal journey involved in the writing process and adopts an encouraging and supportive approach to mentoring emerging writing.

Writing Packages

The packages below intend to hone in on developing specific writing technique and involve writing assessment on 2000 or 4000 words and then working together one on one on a video platform, such as Skype, to strengthen the writing skills desired. Recommendations of reading materials on writing technique and applied practice of the skills are also included.

Package A – $410 AUD

[GST inclusive]

  • 2000 word edit of a piece of your writing in a word file and using track changes
  • Six 1 hour video sessions focussing on the identified and agreed writing techniques
  • Applied practice of the skills and recomendations of readings are included.
  • Follow-up edit of the 2000 words

Package B – $775.00

[GST inclusive]

  • 4000 word edit of a piece of your writing in a word file and using track changes
  • Twelve 1 hour video sessions focussing on the identified and agreed writing techniques
  • Applied practice of the skills and recomendations of readings are included
  • Follow-up edit of the 4000 words

Ultimately, the goal of these packages is not so much to edit your work but rather to teach you effective writing skills that you can continue to apply to your work. Upon finishing a manuscript Nyssa can make recommendations of trusted editors and other professionals in the writing field.

On-going Coaching

The Nyssa Baschel Writing Coach service also offers on-going mentoring through any stage of the writing process focusing on developing the writing skills above. This is a flexible agreed upon working relationship that caters to the writer’s needs.

Hourly rate $45.00 AUD

[GST inclusive]

Contact Nyssa on nyssabaschelauthor@gmail.com to find out more about her coaching services and master the necessary techniques to write the story you have always wanted to write.

“The true alchemists do not change lead into gold; they change the world into words.”
– William H. Gass

Disclaimers:  please be aware that the time and effort involved in learning these writing skills are dependent upon each person’s writing ability, prior writing experience and learning. These packages do not guarantee publishable work; however for most people they will significantly improve writing skill and bring emerging writers closer to their goal to have their work published.

It is the right of Nyssa Baschel–pseudonym (Neasa Nic Dhómhnaill) and/or the customer to cease the service at any time. If a package is stopped before completion Nyssa Baschel would then retain the money for the time used and the remaining cost will be returned to the customer.